Definitions used in this ATBD#

Here follows a glossary, or list of definitions

Climate Change Initiative#

A programme of the European Space Agency (ESA) to prepare satellite-based Climate Data Records of selected Essential Climate Variables.

Consolidated Ice#

In this context, ice with 100% concentration irrespective of its type.

Copernicus Imaging Microwave Radiometer#

The Copernicus Imaging Microwave Radiometer is a Microwave Radiometer which launch is planned by ESA in 2029.

Equal Area Scalable Earth v2#

Equal area projection grid definition based on a Lambert Azimuthal projection and a WGS84 datum. Defined in Brodzik et al. [2012].

MicroWave Imager#

Microwave Radiometer on board EPS Second Generation satellites.

Near Real Time 1H#

Product delivered in \(\le\)1 hour to the point of user pickup after data acquisition by the satellite. NRT1H products are used for nowcasting operational applications (e.g. navigation bulletins in the Arctic) from sea ice services, operational oceanography and meteorology.

Near Real Time 3H#

Product delivered in \(\le\)3 hour to the point of user pickup after data acquisition by the satellite. NRT3H products are used for operational applications such as sea ice services, operational oceanography and meteorology.


Number of scanlines


Number of positions along the scans

Ocean and Sea Ice Satellite Application Facility#

An service started in 1997 to provide operational and climate products of the ocean surface and sea-ice cover relevant for Numerical Weather Prediction and Marine Forecasting services. Led by Météo-France and part of the distributed ground segment of EUMETSAT.

Open Water#

In this context, ocean surface with no sea ice (0% SIC).

Sea Ice Concentration#

The Sea Ice Concentration is the fraction of the sea surface covered by sea ice. It is a measure of the amount of sea ice in a given area. It is usually expressed as a percentage. The latency requirement for the nominal CIMR Level-2 SIC product is Near Real Time 3H.

Sea Ice Concentration 1H#

See Sea Ice Concentration but with a Near Real Time 1H requirement.

Sea Ice Concentration 3H#

See Sea Ice Concentration

Sea Ice Edge#

Sea Ice Edge is a binary product indicating where the sea ice cover is. By extension it can be a binary mask showing classes of Sea Ice Concentration. The CIMR Level-2 SIED product is derived from the results of the Level-2 SIC processing, and has a Near Real Time 3H latency requirement.